Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Hot Weather and Hot Coffee

Finally, after what has seemed like non-stop rain, Rome is scorching hot. I have been waiting to experience the infamous Roman summer heat, and now, it is here in full force. I will gladly take hot weather over rain any day, but the heat does come with some drawbacks when living in a city. For example, the fifteen to twenty minute walk to school at 8:30a.m. has sometimes been chilly, especially during the first few weeks. Normally, I would wear a sweatshirt or scarf. Then, particularly when it was raining, I would enjoy stepping into a bar before class to get a warm cappuccino. I love the ritual of getting a cappuccino every morning, especially at my favorite place, Caffe Basiliano. This intense heat over the past week and a half has completely disrupted my morning bar routine. I swear that the heat makes the walk to class longer, as we drag our feet and try to stay on the shady side of the street. There is not normally enough time to stop and get breakfast, even if I wanted to. The worst part is that I have no desire for hot coffee before class after I am already overheated from walking. I miss my morning cappuccino, and Caffe Brasiliano, but overheating just is not worth it. If only I could get an iced-cappuccino!

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